Our product allows you to add the infusion material of your choice and produce results faster than any traditional method.
Everyone is talking about accelerated aging but we couldn’t find a proven methodology or product to do it. So we created one. XLR-aged© is an all in one contained system that allows you to easily fill, flavor, drain, and clean. Its meant to compliment your existing equipment with universal hookups. At 140 gallons, we believe it’s the perfect batch size to experiment and capture results. We will also be offering a 50 gallon version for prototype and experimental work.
If you create beverages, from spirits or most any other source, trying to discover new flavors using natural ingredients means months of time and waiting. Our product takes that out of the equation and allows you to infuse what you want, when you want to, and taste within hours. Then, make adjustments as needed and proceed to bottling. This saves materials, time and your profits.
36" X 36" X 42"
If you work in the beverage industry, within or at the cutting edge of the creation of new flavors, you know how much effort goes into both niche and mainstream product formulation. Marketers pretend to know whats in demand, – what people want and what will sell. The XLR-aged© unit was created by a unique group of people who understand these challenges. They are aware of how much effort and expense can go into the conceptual stages of a new beverage, and that the market system surrounding those efforts, is unforgiving and often unpredictable. Instead of trying to second guess outcomes, the XLR-aged© tool empowers you with a basic system that is easy to operate with little to no moving parts.
managing director of marketing and design
Paul Korcuska is the managing director of marketing and design with an impressive background in personal assignments, and some of the most innovative techniques in motivating his co-workers and anyone working within his purview. He will multiply most any set of dynamics to realize new and innovative ways to both achieve and excel.
ceo product design and development
Paul James is CEO and currently leading efforts in product design and development, with a long history of industrial and architectural design, his success in these areas revolves around unpretentious solutions, characterized by no-nonsense methodologies. Holding multiple U.S. patents, he is a trailblazer unafraid of challenges and able to meet them with creative and workable solutions.
materials management and fabrication methodologies
Oscar Cruz leads the field in materials management and fabrication methodologies. His ability in the assessment of both prototype and line production technologies leads any team he works with to implement the best existing processes, or to create them if needed. His enthusiasm and dedication are unsurpassed, with years of experience that prove he will always meet or exceed expectations.
Pre order sales are staring now. Your tank will be shipped to you, and include all of the highlights that make it a game changer:
There are no real efforts or regulations in forestry managment to control the destruction of the most primary aging material for beverages on the market today - Oak. Often mandated by industry standards, this means the destruction of forests of timber.
Millions of board feet of the most valuable woods are harvested evey year in what is termed a "reneable resourse" to feed the beverage industry. An enterprise predicated on ease of facility and profits with no thought to long term effects. Surely a better way exists. Now it does.
The XCLR8 system utilizes these materials on a molecular level, and in such a way the full potential of each material is utilized with little to no waste. Not limited to chopped wood or shavings, the reactor may be charged with most any materials, or combinations of them. Scarce or expensive, because of the maximum utilization you can now create numerous flavors, or any subtle nuance of piquancy in very limited time.